Economic Efficiency Calculation Siemens PSS SINCAL Extended Analysis Modules
Economic Efficiency Calculation
Requirements and Use Cases
Measures based on technical studies and calculations for the expansion, restructuring or deconstruction of the network should also be evaluated from an economic point of view. This observation is carried out in medium and long-term periods (years) within the planning horizon.
- Calculation and comparison of the expenditure and costs of planned variants for the expansion and restructuring of the network
- Assessment of capital expenditures and operating expenditures (CAPEX and OPEX)
- Calculation and assessment of the economic efficiency of a planned measure using the capital value method (also called NPV net present value method calculation)
- Support for investment decisions and the determination of a suitable time (delay or bringing forward of measures)
The module (CC) in PSS®SINCAL enables an economic efficiency assessment of technical measures and variants for a selected development period of the network and supports the operator in the preparation and selection of measures under economic aspects.
- Additional modeling dimension for one-off expenses for establishment and shutdown and the operating costs of network elements
- Calculation of investment expenditure and costs using the net present value method (with or without discounting) for each year of the period observed and for the whole period
- Optional integration of the economic calculation with loss and generation or consumption costs resulting from load flow calculations
PSS®SINCAL Extended Modules for Analysis
Extend the core calculation modules into deeper analysis with these modules related to the model enhancement and future grid development paths, from Optimal Power Flow, to Time-Series Calculation, Network Development, and more.
PSS®SINCAL supports your entire engineering workflow
For over 20 years, PSS®SINCAL has enabled engineers to tackle different challenges of the changing distribution, transmission, and industrial power systems, including maintaining high reliability of supply and efficiently integrating Distributed Energy Resources. With the modular platform of PSS®SINCAL, power system planning and operation engineers are supported with their entire workflow from the initial data import and network modeling (considering past, current and future conditions), to basic and extended calculations, all the way to extensive protection simulations and analysis as well as other methods in time and frequency domains.
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