Eigenvalue / Modal Analysis (EVA) Siemens Advanced Dynamic and Transients Modules powered by PSS NETOMAC
Eigenvalue / Modal Analysis (EVA)
Requirements and Use Cases
In power systems, the interaction of all components from generation, transmission and conversion systems is complex, not only in case of fault events. Generators, control devices, HVDCs, FACTS, distributed energy resources and loads interact with each other even in a quasi-steady state, which manifests itself, for example, in the high-energy dominant electromechanical modes and jeopardizes system stability, e.g. through disconnections.
The complexity of the systems is constantly increasing due to digitalization and structural and market-related developments. This situation requires innovative methods that can systematically assess the stability of such systems and support the derivation of effective countermeasures.
If the dynamics of the network are shifted to the network levels subordinate to the transmission network, the complexity of the requirements to the operators of such systems increases.
- Systematic analysis of the small-signal stability of electrical energy systems with a focus on electromechanical modes and interactions with control devices of equipment
- Fast identification of local (local), regional (intra-area) and global (inter-area) electromechanical modes and controller interactions
- Support in the identification of suitable and efficient countermeasures for weakly damped, low-frequency oscillations
The PSS®SINCAL Platform, with its dynamics engine PSS®NETOMAC, offers the user in this module (EVA) the innovative modal analysis that meets the above-mentioned technical requirements and enables the evaluation of the interaction of all components with the focus on electromechanical modes and controller interactions. In addition to the dynamic models of stability calculation, the engine uses efficient methods for the complete description of the inherent oscillation behavior of an electrical power system.
- Quick and easy identification of weakly damped, dominant modes in the electrical power system and their influencing variables that can jeopardize the stability of the system regarding voltages and synchronism
- Determination of the eigenvalue solution of an entire dynamic network model with machines, controllers, transmission systems as well as loads and thus the inherent electromechanical and controller-induced oscillation capability of a system for a given steady-state case
- Option for simplified eigenvalue screening based on signal excitation and evaluation in the time domain for very large network models
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