Electromagnetic Transients (EMT) Siemens PSS SINCAL Core Modules
Electromagnetic Transients (EMT)
Requirements and Use Cases
The dimensioning of equipment in electrical power systems requires the determination of their electrical and mechanical stresses that can occur during operation of these systems as a result of switching operations and faults. Depending on the components, the potential physical phenomena, occurring in different frequency ranges, have to be analyzed and appropriate countermeasures taken in the sizing and protection concepts if limits are violated.
- Analysis of insulation coordination regarding temporary overvoltages (TOV) or those caused by switching operations (SOV) or lightning strikes (LOV)
- Evaluation of very fast transient overvoltages (VFTO)
- Analysis of the effects of switching on and switching off of lines, transformers, electrical machines and inductive loads
- Determination of the stresses on circuit breakers during switching operations
- Analysis of voltage recovery (TRV)
- Studies on the connection of converter-based electrical generation and transmission systems such as HVDC, FACTS, wind and photovoltaic systems
- Analysis of subsynchronous resonances (SSR) and interactions (SSTI) with machine drive trains
The PSS®SINCAL Platform with its PSS®NETOMAC transient engine offers the user in this module (EMT) the possibility to use it for most basic applications directly in the PSS®SINCAL GUI, as well as in expert mode (ExpMode) to use the native user interface of the engine for advanced calculations.
The transient engine offers a very high degree of freedom for modeling and simulation control in addition to the precise and reliable internal dynamic models of equipment.
- Time domain simulation based on instantaneous values for symmetrical and asymmetrical networks with symmetrical and asymmetrical fault conditions, loads and generation
- Use of proven and successfully validated dynamic models and simulation methods of the PSS®NETOMAC transient engine
- User-friendly and simple control of the calculation and evaluation of results
PSS®SINCAL Core Modules
From Power Flow and Short-Circuit, all the way to Harmonics, discover the core calculation modules for unlocking many other calculations in PSS®SINCAL. Learn more about the additional core engine PSS®NETOMAC enabling stability and transient analysis.
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