Gas Operating/Time Series (GL) Siemens PSS SINCAL Gas Modules
Gas Operating/Time Series (GL)
Requirements and Use Cases
Many individual steady-state calculations are required to analyze the effects of changes in operating state in relation to temperatures, consumption patterns and valve states of the gas network over a historical or predicted time period.
A validation of a planning model with measured values is required but also the determination of energy and volume quantities over short, medium or long-term periods.
- Analysis of the daily and seasonal dependent pressure conditions in the network based on historical operation with measured data from time series measurements
- Refinement and validation of the network model (calibration)
- Analysis of increase and reduction rates of supply or consumption in medium and long-term forecast periods
- Analysis of the change of the internal pipe roughness and reduction of the diameter
- Determination of average and extreme values
- Determination of transported quantities over a selected period
Based on a network model for steady-state calculations, PSS®SINCAL enables quasi-dynamic time series calculations (GL) over a time period or at specific operating points.
- Calculation of user-defined operating points and operating states
- Time series calculation based on steady-state calculations with user-defined time step
- Calculation based on user-defined increase rates
- Calculation with meter data and measured values determined during operation
PSS®SINCAL – simulation software for analysis and planning of electric and pipe networks is used in over 90 countries by by transmission and distribution planning engineers, protection engineers, consultants, power plant and industrial network operators, operations planning engineers, IT professionals, researchers, and more.
Independently or simultaneously analyze the impacts of low, medium, and high-voltage networks
Through its modular design, PSS®SINCAL is highly flexible and customizable. It offers a wide variety of analysis functions for the planning, design and operation of power systems, allowing you to simulate and study: power quality, frequency stability, distributed generation interconnection, protection coordination, restoration of supply, economic driven design decisions, and more.
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