Load Assignment/ Transformer Tap Detection (LA) Siemens PSS SINCAL Extended Analysis Modules
Load Assignment/ Transformer Tap Detection (LA)
Requirements and Use Cases
To increase the accuracy of the modeling of loads and DERs in the network model, measured values at individual points in time or time periods can be used. By adjusting the modeled values for loads and decentral energy resources (DER) in relation to the measured values, statements about (subordinate) network areas for which no measured values are available should also be made.
- Determination of input data for loads as well as load flow calculations considering measured data or forecast data to refine the modeling of loads and DERs
- Determination of operating points of not measured/forecasted loads or DERs based on selected feeder measurements and metering devices
- Use of maximum or minimum measured values (e.g. from maximum slave pointer value) or time series measurements (e.g. feeder measurement with 15 min resolution)
- Optimal utilization of the network capacity based on the measured time series and profiles instead of design for individual operating points
- Validation of load modeling and network model based on measurements
The optimized setting of the position of the regulators of transformers of medium and low voltage substations must be based on measured or calculated values for nodes.
- Determination of optimal tap positions of the transformers to maintain the permissible voltage band in the subordinate network
The module for load trimming and determination of optimum transformer tap positions (LA) in PSS®SINCAL makes it possible to scale and trim load input data. Trimming can also be used to determine an optimized transformer tap position based on the minimum and maximum voltage values.
- Adaptation of the input data (or factors) of the load elements by scaling or by trimming during the load flow calculation until the minimum or maximum measured values are reached
- Determination of occurred or predicted load or supply states of the network based on measured values
- Separate consideration of loads and decentral energy resources (DER) in the trimming
- Full integration of the functions for calling the scaling or trimming in the time series calculation (LP module)
- Determination of the position of the regulators of transformers to comply with the specified minimum and maximum voltage limit value as well as visualization of the positions in the network graphic
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