Maximum Hosting Capacity (ICA) Siemens PSS?SINCAL Massive and Parallelized Analysis Modules
Maximum Hosting Capacity (ICA)
Requirements and Use Cases
In order to analyze the integration of decentral energy resources (e.g. photovoltaic, wind power plant, combined heat and power plant), as well as different load types (e.g. charging infrastructure for electromobility, heat pumps, Power2Heat, Power2Gas) into distribution networks, an approach is required to determine the absorption capacity of the respective current network state. The analysis should not only include the load flow, but also short circuit and protection analyses. Based on these analyses, it is possible for the network operator to proactively control the integration of loads and generation systems by regularly publishing the results.
- Quantitative analysis of selected network areas regarding their maximum capacity of additional connected active power of decentral energy resources (DER) or loads
- Fast and automated procedure that can be used for re-analysis after any change in network state or topology
- Determination of the hosting capacity based on individual operating points or on historical or forecast time series (profiles) up to several years
- Prevention or postponement of network expansion and reinforcement measures through optimal use of existing capacity
The module for determining the maximum hosting capacity (ICA) in PSS®SINCAL automatically determines the largest power value of a decentral energy resources (DER) or load that can be connected to any node of a network area to be analyzed without violating technical limitations. The user is guided step by step through the setting and execution of the calculation.
- Determine the maximum connectable power at the nodes for which the user-defined criteria are met
- Integration of the individual work steps in an efficient, specified workflow with a separate screen form without additional modeling effort in the network model
- Automatic, combined calculation of a large number of load flow and short circuit calculations as well as protection simulations in the analysis sequence
PSS®SINCAL Massive and Parallelized Analysis Modules
Extend the core calculation modules to run massive and parallelized simulations over the whole network, and address many of the emerging analysis needs around renewables and e-mobility, from Contingency Analysis and Resupply, to Network Stress Test and Maximum Hosting Capacity.
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