Model Merge (MERGE) Siemens PSS SINCAL Model Management Modules
Model Merge (MERGE)
Requirements and Use Cases
The modeling of networks is based on the output data set for a basic model, which is obtained by conversion or an import from external data sources (e.g. SCADA, GIS) or another network data set (e.g. CIM). If this initial data set changes, a new conversion or import is necessary to update the base model. At the same time, however, extensions to the model (e.g. loads, protection data, models and parameters) that have been made in PSS®SINCAL in the meantime should be retained.
- Updating a network model based on changes in the output data set without losing the additional elements modeled in PSS®SINCAL
- Separate processing of models and their regular merging into a new basic model after processing
- Incremental update based on the changed, added or removed elements of the other data source
- Avoidance of time-consuming, manual synchronization of network models
The Model Merge module (MERGE) in PSS®SINCAL enables two network models to be merged with minimal user intervention.
- Performant and automatic merging of two network models with conflict handling
- Maintaining the consistency of the simulation model
- Individual configuration of the process and marking of changes in the network graphic
PSS®SINCAL Model Management Modules
Explore the various functions of PSS®SINCAL for importing, creating, managing, structuring and further development of a network model and the associated network graphic(s).
PSS®SINCAL supports your entire engineering workflow
For over 20 years, PSS®SINCAL has enabled engineers to tackle different challenges of the changing distribution, transmission, and industrial power systems, including maintaining high reliability of supply and efficiently integrating Distributed Energy Resources. With the modular platform of PSS®SINCAL, power system planning and operation engineers are supported with their entire workflow from the initial data import and network modeling (considering past, current and future conditions), to basic and extended calculations, all the way to extensive protection simulations and analysis as well as other methods in time and frequency domains.
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