Multiple Faults (MF) Siemens PSS SINCAL Extended Analysis Modules
Multiple Faults (MF)
Requirements and Use Cases
The individual placement of faults is required for simultaneous fault observations at several points in the network (e.g. to analyze the voltage rise in the event of two separate simultaneous line-to-earth short circuits) as well as faults or interruptions along lines.
- Calculation of faults and line interruptions occurring simultaneously or in short succession at several locations
- Placement of fault observations at nodes or at different positions (fault locations) along a line
- Individual simulation of occurring faults (e.g. two separate simultaneous line-to-earth short circuits as well as 3- and 1-phase auto-reclosure)
- Repeated calculation of identical fault configurations
- Using the results as a basis for setting protection
The multiple fault calculation (MF) module in PSS®SINCAL allows you to combine individually defined fault observations into multiple faults, calculate them simultaneously and observe their effects.
- Any user-definable fault locations on busbars and lines for short circuit with or without line-to-earth connection and line interruptions
- Any combination of the individual fault observations (and fault types) as fault packages and simultaneous calculation of the occurring fault events
- Switch between the results of the calculation of different fault combinations (fault events)
PSS®SINCAL Extended Modules for Analysis
Extend the core calculation modules into deeper analysis with these modules related to the model enhancement and future grid development paths, from Optimal Power Flow, to Time-Series Calculation, Network Development, and more.
PSS®SINCAL supports your entire engineering workflow
For over 20 years, PSS®SINCAL has enabled engineers to tackle different challenges of the changing distribution, transmission, and industrial power systems, including maintaining high reliability of supply and efficiently integrating Distributed Energy Resources. With the modular platform of PSS®SINCAL, power system planning and operation engineers are supported with their entire workflow from the initial data import and network modeling (considering past, current and future conditions), to basic and extended calculations, all the way to extensive protection simulations and analysis as well as other methods in time and frequency domains.
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