Network Reduction (NR) Siemens PSS SINCAL Model Management Modules
Network Reduction (NR)
Requirements and Use Cases
The consideration of interactions between the users own and neighboring network areas, i.e. the area of observation and the influencing conditions, may for cooperative collaboration be subject to restrictions regarding data protection and computing capacity. While on the on hand this particularly involves the protection of information of critical infrastructure or intellectual property, on the other hand it involves the optimization of the model by reducing it regarding a specific purpose of analysis. In both cases, the aim is to obtain the same behavior in a reduced model at the defined boundary nodes as in the complete model:
- Reduction of defined network areas in the network model to equivalent partial models
- Enabling the transfer of reduced network data to third parties with defined boundary nodes
- Identical behavior of reduced and complete network model at the boundary nodes regarding load flow calculation and short circuit data (3-, 2- and 1-phase)
- Reduction of the network model to save computing capacity for applications such as real-time simulation
Based on the basic module for load flow calculation, the PSS®SINCAL Platform offers the network reduction (NR) module, an effective tool for reducing definable areas in network models. The network area is selected graphically, by network element groups or other selection criteria. As a result, the equivalent elements are implemented directly in the users network model or optionally in an additional include network model.
- Static reduction method based on the Ward and Extended Ward method
- Consideration of load flow calculation and short circuit data as reference
- Use of boundary injections and equivalent branches at and between the boundary nodes, for the reduction of the network area in line with the results
- Simple selection of the reduction area by polygons, network element groups or a reduction file
Model Management Modules
PSS®SINCAL Model Management Modules
Explore the various functions of PSS®SINCAL for importing, creating, managing, structuring and further development of a network model and the associated network graphic(s).
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