Overcurrent Time Protection Simulation (UZ) Siemens PSS SINCAL Protection Modules
Overcurrent Time Protection Simulation (UZ)
Requirements and Use Cases
The task of network protection is to clear faults occurring in the network quickly, reliably and selectively, in order to protect plant and personnel and to ensure the continued operation of undisturbed network areas. A simulative validation of the setting values is necessary in order to verify these requirements.
The following questions must be clarified here:
- Are faults being cleared fast and selectively?
- How long does the network protection need to clear faults?
- Have the protection device parameters been set correctly regarding any load and short circuit currents?
The following is also required:
- Analysis of the fault clearing process
- Analysis of the influence of decentralized generation on network protection
- Creation of grading diagrams based on the setting values
- Documentation of the protection setting values
- Analysis of faults that have occurred
- Reliable detection of earth faults in compensated and isolated networks
The overcurrent time protection simulation (OC) module in PSS®SINCAL enables to simulate the behavior of protection during fault events in the network. Based on the results, the protection behavior can be analyzed and the protection setting values can be checked. Overcurrent time protection devices, fuses, low-voltage circuit breakers, reclosers, bimetals and miniature circuit breakers as well as devices for the earth fault detection are supported.
- Stepwise event-oriented fault simulation including the calculation of fault clearing times
- Interactive analysis of the fault clearing process in the network graphic with relevant information on current, time and color coding of the protection devices
- Checking the setting values and checking for selective fault clearing
- Documentation of protection paths in the network graphic and the associated tripping characteristics in the grading diagram for phase and/or ground steps
- Reports with protection device setting values
PSS®SINCAL Protection Modules
Tackle the complex field of protection with powerful simulations and visualizations, from protection coordination, validation, and calculation of settings, all the way to automated system-wide protection studies.
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