Power Flow (PF) Siemens PSS SINCAL Core Modules
Power Flow (PF)
Requirements and Use Cases
The power flow in the network and the voltages and currents in the network are useful for solving the following tasks in the planning, design and operational management of electrical transmission, distribution and industrial networks as well as for other types of networks operated with alternating current (micro-grids, networks on ships and traction power supply):
- Planning of new networks and network areas as well as the analysis and restructuring of existing networks
- Determination of the voltages at all nodes in a symmetrical or asymmetrical network
- Compliance with regulatory requirements of the permissible minimum and maximum operating voltages
- Determination of the equipment utilization (loading) in a symmetrical or asymmetrical network
- Checking and planning of switching operations and switching configurations
- Optimization of the settings of controllable and adjustable equipment (e.g. tap position for transformers, capacitors)
- Integrated analysis of transmission and distribution networks
- Validated network model based on measurement results
- Loss observations
The module (PF) of PSS®SINCAL offers the user fast and robust methods for calculating the load flow/power flow in electrical networks, considering a high modeling depth for elements and controlled elements.
- Robust methods (e.g. Newton-Raphson, current iteration) for calculating the distribution of currents, voltages and power in symmetrical and asymmetrical three-phase systems (as well as 4-wire systems)
- Simulation of controlled elements with regulators such as transformers, capacitors and reactors or the individual control of network elements depending on any variables (e.g. voltage, current, power) in the entire network model
- Support of complex load modeling, user-defined models, phase shifters and asymmetrical transformers as well as simulation of temperature dependencies
- Visualization of weak points in the network based on the results for voltage and utilization
PSS®SINCAL Core Modules
From Power Flow and Short-Circuit, all the way to Harmonics, discover the core calculation modules for unlocking many other calculations in PSS®SINCAL. Learn more about the additional core engine PSS®NETOMAC enabling stability and transient analysis.
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