The efficient operation of modern distribution grids requires quick fault detection, message packing, and provision for further processing. The Siemens SICAM FPI Short circuit indicator is one component for that. The FPI is used for phase fault detection and indication and for detection of earth faults in radial or open ring medium-voltage cable networks. 4 external current sensors detect phase faults (L1, L2, L3) and earth faults (E). The current sensors detect phase fault and earth fault currents based on the set current threshold detection and communicate them to Siemens SICAM FPI via an optical signal. The rotary switch on each sensor is used to set the fault current threshold for phase sensors from 200 A to 1200 A (Type 1), 200 A to 800 A (Type 2), and for earth sensors from 10 A to 100 A (Type 1), 40 A to 300 A (Type 2). If the current exceeds the set threshold level, the current sensor will send input to SICAM FPI via plastic fiber-optic cable. In this condition, the corresponding LEDs are flashing and the binary contacts are picking up. In normal operating conditions, there is no LED indication.
FPI Short circuit indicator Benefits
- Self-sustained; continues functioning using internal lithium battery even after the main incomer feeder has tripped
- Safe complies with the IEC 61010-1 safety standards
- Simple setting via DIP switch
- Configurable binary outputs, for remote indication to SCADA for faults/diagnostics via RTU
- Enhanced diagnostics functions, supporting self and sensor cable diagnostics
- Local indication, 3 red LEDs for phase fault, 1 red LED for earth fault, 1 yellow LED for a battery health condition
- Binary outputs can be individually configured for phase and ground faults
- Several reset functions, auto-reset (via time stages), remote reset via binary input or external front button
- User-configurable momentary fault override function
- Extended battery life with enhanced power management enabling more than 2,000 hours of operation under fault conditions (flashing)
- IP 67-conforming, self-sustained sensors
- Isolated, plastic fiber-optic connections between sensors and SICAM FPI are noise immune
Device characteristic
Medium-voltage cable distribution systems up to 36 kV, 50 Hz/60 Hz
Fault indication via LEDs
- 3 red LEDs – phase fault
- 1 red LED – earth fault
- 1 yellow LED – Run: battery health condition
Inputs/outputs, measuring ranges
- Current sensor inputs: Phase current ( L1, L2, L3) and earth current (E) via a plastic fiber-optic cable
- 2 binary inputs: 1x AC 230 V reset input, 1x remote reset input from dry contact
- 2 binary outputs, potential-free (max. switching voltage: AC 250 V / DC 220 V)
- 1 binary output for external LED flashing light
- Phase fault current pickup values
– Type 1: AC 200/400/500/600/800/1000/1200 A
– Type 2: AC 200/300/400/500/600/700/800 A - Earth fault current Pickup values
– Type 1: AC 10/20/30/40/60/80/100 A
– Type 2: AC 40/80/120/160/200/260/300 A - Accuracy
– Type 1: < 10% of selected range
– Type 2: < 15% of selected range
Auxiliary voltage
- Battery for 2,000 hours, service life of 10 years min
Temperature range
- From -30 °C to +70 °C
- Polycarbonate, for panel flush mounting
- Dimensions: 96 x 48 x 45 mm (W x H x D)
- Protection class: Front IP50, rear IP20, sensors IP67
Unplanned outages
Keeping your grids up and running
Using sophisticated tools and solutions for fast grid restoration
Unplanned outages cannot always be avoided. Flexible solutions for local and remote monitoring enable the fast and efficient restoration of cable grids and overhead lines.
Operational savings
Optimizing business operations
Comprehensive and efficient ways for municipalities and DSOs to get the most out of their efforts.
The growing demand for power from industries and households can be fulfilled simply. With modern technologies and innovative solutions such as optimized voltage and capacity management, self-healing grids, and avoiding losses of any kind.
Fault localization
Fault reporting – fast, flexible, and direct
Fault localization in the cloud – the cloud-based service for fault detection by Siemens
The basis for fast and efficient fault management was previously bound to the control room. Fault localization in the cloud is a new, cloud-based service, which makes it possible to send fault information – including the fault location – directly to the maintenance crews, without the need for a grid control center.
Today power system operation is becoming more and more dynamic – which requires flexible, tailored solutions for reliable operation and efficient project management. The comprehensive SICAM portfolio offers network operators and utilities everything they need for future-proof substation automation – anywhere in the world. To explore the SICAM portfolio Click Here!
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