Siemens Ruggedcom Director Device Discovery and Configuration Software

SKU: Ruggedcom_DIRECTOR Categories: ,


Siemens Ruggedcom Director Software is a serial port redirection application that is designed to extend the life and reach of applications written for serial communications. With RUGGEDCOM DIRECTOR, serial port communications are no longer limited by serial protocol cable length requirements or physical port counts that restrict the design and flexibility of networks and the ability to manage them.

Using RUGGEDCOM DIRECTOR, the application communications destined for host serial ports are mapped to the host LAN ports for transport across a TCP/IP network to RUGGEDCOM serial servers. This allows the host to be located centrally for easier management and maintenance and provides access to many more serial devices. The redirection is done seamlessly and with no modification required to the host application providing extended life to both the application and the serial device that it communicates with.Getting up and running quickly is easy with the Windows based graphical user interface. Simply provide the port parameters on the application host and the RUGGEDCOM serial server and RUGGEDCOM DIRECTOR automatically generates the required connections.

The main interface window shows the connected ports, status and the number of packets sent and received providing real time information on the health of system. Troubleshooting is simplified with the logging feature of RUGGEDCOM DIRECTOR; the data flow on a selected port can be monitored in the detail dialogue window and directed to a file for further analysis.RUGGEDCOM DIRECTOR saves time and cost allowing legacy serial devices and applications to communicate over LAN connections without modification to hardware or software.

RUGGEDCOM DIRECTOR is a complimentary software package designed to work with RUGGEDCOM serial device servers.The RUGGEDCOM-Selector lets you configure RUGGEDCOM products quickly, easily, and efficiently, by using targeted navigation through selection menus or by entering item numbers. Selected products can then be ordered directly by transferring the parts list into the Industry Mall.

Siemens Ruggedcom Director Software BENEFITS

  • Redirect serial port traffic over the network extending the life and range of serial devices
  • Eliminate physical port restriction with up to 128 virtual serial ports
  • Intuitive Windows based GUI to get up and running quickly
  • Monitor real-time status and log traffic for quick problem resolution
  • Load and save configuration profiles for backup and migration
  • Re-use existing applications without modifications

RUGGEDCOM products perform at their best when the environment is at its worst, offering fast and reliable communications for electric power, transportation, oil & gas and other industries. To Explore the Ruggedcom Portfolio with us Click Here!


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