Volt/Var Optimization (VVO) Siemens PSS SINCAL Optimization and Planning Modules
Volt/Var Optimization (VVO)
With the module Volt/Var Optimization (VVO)of PSS®SINCAL the voltage and the power factor can be controlled in radial medium- and low-voltage feeders, which can be symmetrical or unsymmetrical, with the result that all consumer nodes are located in the defined voltage range and that the transferred reactive power is as low as possible.
The optimization of the voltage is required to ensure acceptable network operation on the basis of the prescribed limits for all consumers at the feeder.
The optimization of the power factor reduces the transfer of reactive power (and hence the losses) at the feeder. The power factor decreases with the number of inductive consumers (the cable capacities reduce this effect slightly).
The aim of Volt/Var optimization is to determine at which point of the feeder capacitors should be installed and how the transformer must be set at the beginning of the feeder. The number and the size of these capacitors are automatically determined by the software. This will ensure that the consumer nodes of the feeder are within the permissible range under high load and under low load.
Optimization and Planning Modules
PSS®SINCAL Optimization and Planning Modules
Optimize the flow and the quality of power in your network and determine the best possible structure including Optimal Branching, Compensation Optimization, Volt/Var Optimization and more.
PSS®SINCAL supports your entire engineering workflow
For over 20 years, PSS®SINCAL has enabled engineers to tackle different challenges of the changing distribution, transmission, and industrial power systems, including maintaining high reliability of supply and efficiently integrating Distributed Energy Resources. With the modular platform of PSS®SINCAL, power system planning and operation engineers are supported with their entire workflow from the initial data import and network modeling (considering past, current and future conditions), to basic and extended calculations, all the way to extensive protection simulations and analysis as well as other methods in time and frequency domains.
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