Water (Steady-State) (WS) Siemens PSS SINCAL Water Modules
Water (Steady-State) (WS) Requirements and Use Cases
In order to ensure a high level of supply security, an interconnected system is aimed at the technical planning of the water supply (distribution and storage) in residential water engineering for new network areas and in the reinforcement or dismantling of existing networks as well as in target network planning.
The coverage of future requirements through the reinforcement, dismantling or optimization of existing networks requires powerful and flexible network modeling and calculation in order to observe the current operating states of the network and those designed in scenarios.
- Planning and routing of district and transport pipelines and district water distribution networks (branched, meshed or ring networks)
- Pump sizing and pipe dimensioning
- Calculation of the supply pressure (minimum overpressure at the customer load) at all connection points
- Consideration of long-term roughness changes and diameter reductions
- Expansion or reinforcement in case of increased demand as well as optimization in case of oversized pipe networks
- Determination of the water age at the consumption nodes
- Provision of the fire water demand at defined points in the network and creation of fire water plans
- Documentation of the network topology in graphical and schematic view
The steady-state calculation for water networks (WS) in the PSS®SINCAL Platform is the basic module and enables the modeling of a network, the steady-state hydraulic calculation and the appropriate options for evaluating the results.
- Comprehensive modeling of branch and node elements as well as characteristic curves for their behavior
- Calculation of the steady-state pressure distribution and the flow as well as water losses in any meshed networks across different pressure zones
- Consumer modeling depending on the ambient temperature
- Calculation of the available fire water (hydrants) at the network nodes
- Hydraulic head diagrams for user-defined routes considering the geodetic height (elevation about sea level)
Water Modules
PSS®SINCAL Water Modules
Discover the core modules for water supply networks, including steady-state hydraulic calculation, operating point and quasi-dynamic time series calculations as well as contingency analysis.
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